Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nadya Suleman and her octuplets...

Nadya SulemanYea, I'm pretty sure you heard, seen or discussed Nadya Suleman and her octuplets.

How can you not? News of their births have been in the news all over.

And you know what per an article on, now she's had a website created so the general public can donate money to help her raise those kids...

When you are a single mom who's been let go from a job, buying food using food stamps and have 6 other children, what possesses you to go to a clinic to have more children?

Are you in it for the freebies and money? Because it sure looks that way. Is this your sick idea of getting your 'fifteen minutes of fame'? If so, you need more than a little help.

And what was the specialist who implanted those fertilized eggs thinking? I'm sure they knew she already had 6 other kids and that she was a single parent.

I heard somewhere that she says that she's gonna hold each child for 45 minutes each day.

What?! I can only shake my head...

What the hell is a matter with people these days?!


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Anonymous said...

I can see the TV deal with TLC in the works now and while I enjoy watching Jon & Kate plus Eight I feel a little sick at the idea.

I think the whole situation, Ms Suleman, her fertilization team and her family are bat shit crazy nuts.

It's nice that she'll give each of those babies 45 minutes though, I mean you have to fill your day up with something when you aren't working

Baroness Bijoutery said...

I read where she said she was not selfish..I wonder how she figures that one. Whatelse would you call it.. I think the Doctor that performed the task of implanting those eggs should be called before the AMA and sanctioned...And this ?mother? should be put in the mental hospital that needs to be her home...

Elena said...

Man, if she even gets a tv show...

She is definitely cracked in the head as no one in their right mind would have 8 more kids in addition to the 6 she's already raising.

Bat shit crazy, indeed.

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